stretching as a "regressive" factor

Konkrete Fragen zur CANTIENICA®-Methode und zum CANTIENICA®-Training.
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Re: Skoliosekorrektur

Beitrag von kafebe »

Benita, this is quite interesting as my son almost stopped moving last summer exactly at the same time when the condition of my spine got so bad that I kind of "collapsed" completely. Now he's moving again and enjoying it. He restarted right after an osteopathic treatment and the first change I noticed was that he was doing some stretching which looked very much like doing Cantienica exercises...
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3149
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

Kathrin: That's easy to explain. I think that's Budimir's topic: The body remembers and reactivates his nature, naturally aligned (stretched). As fetus and as Baby. If the role models are appopriate a child woud keep that "tonus". The Massai in Africa and other ethnic groups keep it much longer into their adult life.

I strongly beleive that evolution is becoming a process of consciousness and awareness. Within 100 years we doubled the average life span (in our part of the world). It is now, at present, our intentional decision how we want to grow old, shrunken and deformed, crippled and humpy or upright and "constantly stretched" as you describe it, according to our individual blueprint. It will become normal one day, until then you notice it. That the body itself becomes the constant reminder – that's the miracle. And that is what I promise you in books, DVD, classes, speeches ...
Beiträge: 291
Registriert: 30. September 2012, 00:35

Re: Skoliosekorrektur

Beitrag von kafebe »

Thinking about stretching I became aware that my whole body is stretching constantly throughout the whole day and even more so during the night. And I cannot stop it, not even for a minute. It's like a dynamic inner brace (including head and face) you cannot take off (sometimes I wish I could, at least for half an hour or so). Any explanation for this, Benita?
Beiträge: 291
Registriert: 30. September 2012, 00:35

Re: Stretching - Skoliosekorrektur

Beitrag von kafebe »

To me the most interesting question is how becoming aware can activate a process of change that works in great parts outside of awareness. I like Peter Fonagy's theory about mentalization, affect regulation and the development of the self. And I think these ideas could be very useful in explaining why and how the C-method works. That is, the development of an accurate mental representation of the body could be a central mechanism that activates the self regulation capacity of the body.
Best, K
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3149
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

Dear Budimir

What you explain with the lips and the ears is exactly to the point. This very moment a robin readbreast stalks along the balcony and to me embodies the perfect "basic stretch", the sound, dynamic, lively, ready to fly tonus that we humans can have too all the time, even when we sleep – if  as adults we develop the consciousness to do so. (Well, I am still working on the flying thing, getting better every day ...)

And yes, I believe that my search for a new language for the body in motion is an important part of my work. In German I often say "thinkpull", "thinkstretch", because pulling or stretching alone entraps the trainees to the habitual raw and forceful stretching.

You only know faceforming, in the Backtraining we create 1001 precise descriptions and ways to specify pain. Many times an alleged pain turns out to be a pulling sensation and therefore a "lucky pain".

The other day we had 17 CANTIENICA®-instructors for Faceforming training in the house. A young male co-worker observed them closely during a break. He said to me: "I don't know how they do it, but all CANTIENICA-people look especially good, even if they aren't pretty to my eyes, they have an extraordinary radiation."

Unfortunately I don't have the time to do so but collecting "before and after" fotos would be helpful.

Best, BC
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3149
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

Hi Budimir

I had to remove and reload your thread several times to cleanse it from all HTML-formating. Please write directly here, with Vorschau you can check and correct as many times as you like, then Absenden.

If you want to generate it elsewhere please chose the simplest text edit program possible. Copy/paste from sophisticated Word software does not work.

If you want it to look different send me text again and I will remove this one, gives me less work to do.


Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 13. Februar 2013, 09:56

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von budimir »

Hallo to 
I am very
 happy that my message on stretching has aroused such a lively interest.
I will
 concentrate in this letter on two themes:
awareness” vs regression;
 appropriateness of the terms “pulling” and “stretching”.
awareness vs regression.
 wrote that what is needed is “conscious awareness of the body” while “you
 simply don`t need concepts like ‘regression” to characterize a process like
to the Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English by A.S.Hornby, “aware” 
means ‘having knowledge or realization”. Several examples are offered  incl.the following two:
you aware that you`re sitting on my hat?
are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.
These two
examples show that it is sometimes easy to reach conscious awareness (it would
be sufficient to look in the direction of the hat) and sometimes it may be
difficult (the awareness of the gravity of the situation would demand much
preliminary knowledge of the nature of this situation, its possible repercussions
and effects).
It seems
that awareness of the body begins as the awareness of the first type and
develops, really or potentially, to the awareness of the second type.
(‘The body is given to me- what should I do with it?”-this is our prosaic
translation of a line from the poem of the Russian poet Osip Mandelstam.)
The exercises of Cantienica have already increased significantly our
awareness of the bodies.
One may hope that further investigations of Cantienica would increase
this awareness still more.
Benita wrote in her letter from 12.03.13:
“We know a lot about how our “new anatomy” or “living anatomy” works, we
often don`t know why and don`t pretend to know”.
Let us continue our endeavors to answer the question “why”. And in these
endeavors a possibility of some regressive roots of the miraculous results of
these methods should not be overlooked.
On the words ‘to pull” and “to stretch”.
What are the meanings of these words according to the Dictionary of
“To pull”:
The first and the most general meaning:
“(Contrasted with “push”) use force upon (something or somebody) so as
to draw towards or after one, or in the direction indicated”.
“To stretch”:
the first and the most general meaning:
“To make wider, longer, or tighter, by pulling; be or become wider, etc.
when pulled”
 Are these words appropriate to
the exercises of Cantienica?
An example from the book “The New Faceforming’, again in my awkward
“Draw the lips ahead a little…Simultaneously move the ears backwards, in
the contrary direction.”
(By the way, I tried this exercise and having spent very little time got
positive results.)
There are pulling and counterpulling in this exercise, I believe.
But as the result the wrinkles become smoothed with the help of some
minimal stretching.
Therefore , in my opinion, both words “pull” and “stretch”are
appropriate. But certainly not in the usual sense of intensive pulling and
intensive stretching.
There are “special’ cantienic pulling and stretching, for  which no appropriate terms exist as yet.. These
“special” pulling and stretching must be studied and trained in to be effective.
If I do not understand this question rightly, please let Benita correct
Budimir Rogovoy
Beiträge: 291
Registriert: 30. September 2012, 00:35

Re: Skoliosekorrektur

Beitrag von kafebe »

@BC: I completely agree with you - I was just not thinking about how to use the breath to stretch (which is perhaps the most important thing) but about gravitation and regression... But you are right, thinking about gravitation makes no sense without thinking about breathing. But: using the breath to stretch is by no means regressive. (during the worst time of my scoliosis I almost stopped breathing what I consider as a regressive reaction).
Best, K
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3149
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

@ Kathrin: The example does not quite fit my body work. In C we use the breath to create the stretch. And we never breath into the abdomen or the pelvis, since that slackens and weakens the muscle floors, both diaphragms, the Levator Ani as well as the midriff.

Best, BC
Beiträge: 291
Registriert: 30. September 2012, 00:35

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von kafebe »

Dear Budimir,

I understand what you mean - but I am still not
sure whether "regressive" is the right term. The topic is quite complex
and I think it would take me at least a week to write down my ideas, so I
cannot do it.

But I would like to give you a very simple (and perhaps too
simple) example. I have an excellent ballet teacher and last week in
class she told us: "Ballet is moving. And you come to a moving class and
you forget to move!". And I think this is what happens to many people,
particularly when they get older, they forget to move. And by not moving
(and not using their muscles anymore, especially their deep muscles) 
they become a victim of gravitation.

So, how can you bring about a
change? I think, the first step is to develop something I would call
"conscious awareness of the body" (which is not necessarily regressive).
I think a wonderful example is how we begin our dance classes on the
floor: "Just lie down with your arms and legs long on the floor and
trust that the floor can support you". Then we go through the whole body
beginning with the head to become aware of the different parts of the
body which at the same time is first and very basic stretching - an
example would be: "...feel your shoulders fall to the side, don't hold
your arms, drop your ribs so that your spine has a chance to lengthen.
Create space. Now breathe deep into your pelvis and feel your pelvis
widening. You have two sides of your pelvis, separate from one another.
Let your legs fall out of your body (and trust, they won't fly away) so
that your hip joints are free and your are able to move...."

is not a Cantienica example - so Benita correct me, if I am wrong - but
for me this would be an example of how we can learn to use gravitation to
stretch. And I think you simply don't need concepts like "regression" to
characterize a process like that.

Best wishes,

Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 18. Juli 2012, 12:27

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Sitopanaki »


sehr interessantes Thema.

Ich habe gerade mein altes Wörterbuch Russisch - Deutsch befragt. Nach diesem bedeutet "натяжение" 1. Spannung (physikalischer Begriff) und 2. Verheilen (medizinischer Begriff). Gemeint ist wohl eher die erste Bedeutung. Aber die Übersetzung für "Aufspannung" ist  wohl nicht so ganz glücklich, oder? Und "все,что не натянуто, провисает" bedeutet "alles, was nicht aufgespannt/aufgezogen/angespannt/straffgezogen ist, hängt durch". Das erstere Verb hat, wie man sieht, mehrere Bedeutungsnuancen. Es ist nun die Frage, welche Bedeutung der Leser assoziiert.

Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass ich hier so auf Deutsch reinplatze in eine auf Englisch geführte Disskusion. Aber ich kann die Übersetzung der russischen Worte / Redewendung auf Deutsch besser erklären.

Liebe Grüße

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 13. Februar 2013, 09:56

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von budimir »

My reply to the letter of Kafete from 12.03.13

Dear Kathrin,

thank you for your reply, which was very interesting for me.

I agree with you that regession may be "undesirable".

I have been championing only partial regression, usually modified and indispensably serving for more "progression", i.e. for more adaptation to and activities in the present reality.

As the leading modern psychotherapist G.Benedetti wrote,

"...the adult and independent side of the ego becomes usually stonger and can play its part better if the infantile side, often latent and in need of defence, finds a contact region where it can express itself".


Budimir Rogovoy
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3149
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »


Dear Budimir

I would never talk of stretching of the face musculatur. It is the principle of pull and counterpull, that's essential.

Well, I cannot read or tals Russian, I therefore have no idea, how precise or poor the translation is. Obviously it is poor.

Thanks, BC
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 13. Februar 2013, 09:56

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von budimir »

My reply to the letter of Benita Cantieni from 12.03.13

Dear Benita Cantieni,

thank you for your immediate reply, which is very interesting for me.

The word "stretching" is my re-translation of the Russian word "натяжение" in the Russian translation of your book "New Face Forming":"все,что не натянуто, провисает", which I translate as "all that is not stretched hangs down".

I have not yet read your books in English or German.

Certainly your stretching is not the same as in the usual sterching exercises, which are much more intensive.

And certainly there is also "interconnection" in your exercises, which concept possibly could be tentatively interpreted as some regressive representation of the streams of energy and matter in the fetus. These streams are not yet well-known to science but they exist undoubtedly.

I am looking forward for your final evaluation of my rather daring thoughts on your methods.


Budimir Rogovoy.
Beiträge: 291
Registriert: 30. September 2012, 00:35

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von kafebe »

Dear Budimir Rogovoy

your ideas are interesting, but I would not use the term "regressive" to characterize stretching is understood in the Cantienica method. Regression as I understand it means to step back to a lower organizational level and I don't think that this is necassary to explain why the Cantienica method works.

In my eyes (I am a psychologist and not an expert in the C-method) Cantienica offers you a way to gain or (re)gain acces to some kind of (lost) body knowledge this awareness enables you to change your body, the way you move, and by doing so you learn how to use the force of gravitation in order to make moving feel comfortable, easy and weightless. This procedural or unconscious knowledge may or may not originate in part from the time when the fetus was in the uterus, but I think it is neither possible nor desirable to regress to this level of functioning, you just need to (re)activate this knowledge und learn how to make use of it in your everyday life. Clearly, the effects of gravity are different when you are lying down or when you are standing or when you are jumping. But I think, the central point is to learn how to make use of it in every position.

I also think that there are many similarities between the Cantienica method and modern psychotherapy but I would explain them in a different way.

Unfortunately, I do not have the time to explain my ideas in more detail - but I think it is an interesting topic.


Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3149
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

Dear Budimir Rogovoy

Thanks for your thoughts. The answer will take some time, understanding your viewpoint and finding arguments pro or con. I am an "empirical genius", an observer firstly, a researcher, not a scientist, not a medicine nor a psychologist.

What strikes me straight away: We don't stretch in the way stretching is understood nowadays. We pre-stretch the bones, joints, ligaments, fasciae muscles, and then interconnect and strengthen all. – I like your suggestion that we try to equal the gravitation field to the amniotic fluid!

It seems that all my findings correspond with the embryonal development of humans. Which to me would be proof for my method.

Last Weekend I attended the 2nd CANTIENICA®-Anatomy course in Heidelberg held by the medic Solveig Hoffmann, who treats just about everything treatable on the skeletal and mental levels with my method.

She has written a book about the method, "Aufrichtig aufrecht", your questions are highlighted there. It's in German. Solveig and I have a modest standpoint: We know a lot about how our "new anatomy" or "living anatomy" works, we often don't know why and we don't pretend to know.

The at present still valid anatomy goes in the opposite direction, a lot of explanation why systems function – even though they don't function at all.

"Talk" to you later, best, BC
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 13. Februar 2013, 09:56

stretching as a "regressive" factor

Beitrag von budimir »

Dear Benita Cantieni,

on 13.02.13 I sent a message to your forum topic "Ich bin neu hier" and received an immediate reply, for which I once more express my gratitude.

Now, being not entirely new in this field, I dare express some theoretical considerations.

The development of the fetus in the uterus takes place without the full influence of gravitation, in the so called "amniotic imitation of weightlessness", and is accompanied with some stretching of its body, possibly somewhat resembling stretching in your exercises.

From this standpoint stretching in your exercises could be looked upon as some partial return to an earlier stage of development of the body. Such a return is called "regression" in psychology, in contrast with "progression" to the present stage of development.

In modern psychotherapy regressive and progressive factors are often combined for more effectiveness. V. for more details in our paper "Gratification and Activity in Schizophrenia. Some Curative Factors in Two Dynamic Psychotherapies"  In:Dynamische Psychiatrie, Muenchen, Germany, 27 Jg, #146-147, S.206-219 (In English with a German abstract).

In connection with the general tendency of some psychoanalysts to extrapolate the psychological discoveries of S.Freud to somatic/physiological phenomena one can also speak of "physiological regression" ( the term of J.Michaels). Our paper "The Ghost of Physiological Regression" ( to be sent to the German journal "Die Psychoanalyse in Widerspruch") will discuss this question in more detail.

One may presume that some analogies should exist between the conditions of success in using psychological and physiological regression, and namely what is needed in both cases is an optimum combination of regressive and progressive factors.

Combining "regressive" stretching and the effects of "progressive" gravitation in your exercises is certainly a brilliant example of such a combination.

But could not your recommendations be made more precisely fitting to the specific conditions and needs of your clients by introducing changes of the effects of gravitation?

You wrote that some of your exercises could be done standing, sitting or lying, the effects of gravitation being different in these different cases.

More limitations of these effects could be introduced by doing the exercises in water or in space flights.

Possibly such adaptations could be useful for clients with advanced age, serious or acute illnesses and other health insufficiencies.

What is your opinion on these matters?

Yours respectfully,

Budimir Rogovoy, Ph.D. (Russia)