Diastasi Recti enquiry

You ask, I answer.
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3148
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

Re: Diastasi Recti enquiry

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

Dear Jana

Good decision to follow one system.

All exercises are great to close the diastasis. There is only one "instruction manual" for the good use of the body. What helps the bladder, helps the stomach muscles. And the back. And the shoulders. And and and ... TIGERFEELING - THE PELVIC FLOOR TRAINING is perfectly suited for backtraining after childbirth.

It's important, that you understand the principle: The outer layers of the abdominal muscles have to be stretched and relaxed. The transverse abdominals have to be completely relaxed. 

The oblique abdominals muscles will act as a lining for the surface and mend the diastasis together with the fascia.

So please make sure you follow the instructions, however unusual and contradictory they may sound. Your tummy shall not bulge or crease or stick out in any phase of the exercise. Follow the simple rule: What you see is what you get. You have to see the result of the exercise while you're at it.

If it looks good and you feel good you train well.

If this is challenging at first, put a heavy cushion on your tummy and stop training as soon as you feel the urge to apply force and stick the tummy out.

You must literally watch the diastasis close. Then of course you have to pay attention that you keep the alignment and posture between training units in every day. Within 3 weeks the opening should be closed. It'll take maybe three months to solidly grow together.

I'm sorry I can't do magic, there is no-one trained in GB. It pleases me the more that gynecologists are recommending CANTIENICA® method.

All the best, Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 607
Registriert: 15. Februar 2011, 23:23

Diastasi Recti enquiry

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you with a concern that is very important to me and I hope you have the time to read this. My gynaecologist has recommended your method as I have had bladder problems and a slight prolapse since giving birth last year. I am now reading your book and going through the excersises. However, I also suffer from diastasi recti and therefor I am wondering if there are any excerises in your system that specifically address this problem or if there is any information on which excersises in your book Tigerfeeling are safe to do. I have done a lot of reading on ht matter and information is so contradictory that I would rather follow one system! I am currently living in London, in case there is someone trained in your system practicing here.

Many thanks in advance for your time and help,